Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Promotion

J interviews 3 weeks ago for store manager and it's about time! He's been an assistant for two different companies for 6 years and has been rated in the top three of assistants in his current company for several years.

Do they call will the good news of his promotion? No, we hear down the grapevine two weeks later. J finally gets a call, but we are unsure of where they are going to send him.

So my husband was walked yesterday at his store by some upper management that have NO clue how a store is run and they don't care they are in the middle of a remodel (which is causing my husband to be at work from 4AM to 7PM)... They tear my husband and his boss apart saying the store looks like crap. No, really? One manager is on vacation, the store manager is in meetings and my husband has to run the remodel... What did you expect the store to look like? Rainbows?

Alas, I am rambling. As a mom of two young princesses (Kindergarten and 2nd grade) it is hard to hear them ask where Daddy is every morning and cry every night when he comes in, eats dinner and goes to bed by 8pm (not even an HOUR with the family, he's exhausted)!

During the school year I work at my daughters school, but am lucky to be off with them in the summer. I know J can't have the same schedule as us, but using his vacation would be awesome. Yes, his awesome big boss, who knows nothing about the store canceled all vacations (I think that's illegal though, but J won't say anything).

So here I am, sitting in my living room, trying to clean the house and get ready to pack to an unknown location.

Now to actually put a smile on my face, try and hide the anxiety I feel about his promotion, about the move and about everything and feed my girls lunch....

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